Spinnaker Business Services

Our Services

What We Can Do For Your Business

Branding Design

Marketing Materials

Marketing Sales Research

Branding Design: brainstorming concepts, visual elements and verbiage, tweaking of current brand, creation of product standards and go to market strategies

Have a concept for your product but don't know how to get yourself from an idea to delivery? Grasping for new product ideas? Need help diversifying? We can help you identify opportunities that will marry well with your current business offerings.

Spinnaker can help your new or established business become an industry standout.

Marketing Materials: creation of case studies, white papers, slicks, marketing campaigns and calendars, etc.

We can help you organize your business marketing strategy and produce all kinds of useful sales & marketing materials. Arm your sales team with the exact materials that they need to get a jump in sales.

Spinnaker can help you ensure that your outward facing materials are giving the right signals.

Marketing Sales Research: SWOT reporting, competitive analysis, feasibility studies, brainstorming new product lines and revenue streams.

Too busy involved in the day to day to stop and look for opportunities? Looking for opportunity within your current business structure? Need to know what the competition is up to-or who the competition is?

Spinnaker can deliver comprehensive industry reviews, competitive analysis and more.

Sales Operations: Guidance on documenting customer lifecycle, defining project process check ins aimed at maximizing project success, creating a solid customer loyalty programs.

Need help connecting the dots within your organization? Make sure what you believe is what your brand delivers to consumers. By having strong processes in place, you can ensure that you acquire happy long-term customers.

Spinnaker can help you work within your organization so that all team members are enabled and empowered to be a part of a successful customer life cycle.

what we offer at spinnaker business services
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